My Wonderful Eleventh Week of School

My eleventh week of school was awesome. First, we prepared for the haunted house like make boxes, glue paper to the boxes, and probably burn yourself with the hot glue gun and it hurts alot! Then, we picked our parts in the haunted house and I was the pilot! Next, we got set up for the haunted house! Finally, we started the haunted house and I sceamed and screamed very loudly because Bizzie was ”hitting me and pulling out my insides” with a fake axe, but I didn’t feel it because it was a fake body/insides and the only body part that showed on me was my head! We raised $801!!!!IMG_4194

One thought on “My Wonderful Eleventh Week of School

  1. Goodness! Wish I had known in time to come and see the haunted house. I always like to support anything my grandchildren do in their school or extracurricular activities!

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