Why I Think Pluto Should Be a True Planet

Should Pluto Be a Planet or Remain a Dwarf-Planet

By: Emma Atkins

Do you think that Pluto should be a a true planet, or remain a dwarf-planet? Based on the articles, “When Is A Planet Not a Planet?” By Daniel Santos and “What Is A Planet” From The National Aeronnautics and Space Administration (NASA), both have different opinions if Pluto should e a dwarf-planet. I strongly believe that Pluto should become a true planet.

I strongly believe that Pluto should become a true planet because it has to be able to “clear its neighbor hood”. In the article, “When Is A Planet Not a Planet?” By Daniel Santos specifically states in paragraph eight “Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune all share orbits with thousands of asteroids, but no one claims that they aren’t planets. Also, asked protesters, why does it matter if Pluto’s neighbor hood is full of smaller objects.” If you didn’t know what “clearing a neighborhood means” it doesn’t mean kicking everyone out of the neighborhood, it means to clear all of out all of the un-useful small objects like asteroids, ice particles, and other small space objects. This fact to me is very important because if other planets like Earth, Mars, and others don’t clear their neighborhood like the DEFINITION OF A PLANET states, then Mars, Earth, Jupiter, and Neptune shouldn’t be “classified” as a planet. Think of the matter like this, it may help you understand it a little bit more, if a child didn’t meet the right standards to go to a school, then some different other kids didn’t meet the standards either, yet made it into the school, the other kids shouldn’t be able to go to that school if the other kid didn’t meet the definition for the school; therefor, that is basically what its kinda like for pluto not being a planet. Are you convinced yet? The IAU members voted on Pluto not being a planet, yet only a FEW members voted. Therefor, this is not a fair enough conclusion that Pluto isn’t a planet. Some people are fighting against this knowledge of Pluto just because not many people voted for this decision. I very strongly believe that they should reclassify Pluto as a true planet.

I strongly believe that Pluto should be a true planet because it has a vague definition. In the article, “What Is A Planet” From The National Aeronnautics and Space Administration (NASA) explains to me on page fourteen that the definition of a planet is not exactly defined as well as it could be. In 2006 the criteria of a planet was that it had to revolve around the Sun and be round. This changed in a jurassic way that some peoples opinion changed based on just one criteria based upon Pluto and other planets. Have you heard of My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas? Maybe you have, but most likely not. This is because Pluto is sadly no longer a true planet; its a dwarf planet. In the article “When Is A Planet Not a Planet?” By Daniel Santos the author explains “In 2005, our solar system had nine planets. In 2007 there were only eight planets: Pluto was no longer considered a planet. What happened? No an astroid didn’t destroy Pluto. Instead, a group called the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which has the authority to name and classify objects in space, decided in August 2006 that Pluto was not a planet. Pluto, they said, was something else: a dwarf planet.” This fact from the article doesn’t make much sense to me because this definition didn’t have much time for people to understand it more. It also, didn’t have much thought put into it. I strongly believe the International Astronomical Union (IAU) should change that Pluto is truly a planet.

In the article, “When Is A Planet Not a Planet?” By Daniel Santos the author discusses how Pluto and the new definition of a planet came to be. This is a very vauge definition, but whats even worse is that not many members of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) voted on the reclassification of Pluto. This to me isn’t fair for the people that truly and strongly believe that Pluto should be a true planet. Now think of it in this way, if you truly believe that Pluto should be a real planet not a dwarf you are called a PFP (people for pluto). And if you believe that pluto should remain a dwarf planet, not a true planet, you are a PAP (people against pluto). I am personally a PFP for many reasons such as the ones that I am writing in this essay.

Do you think Pluto should be a planet? In conclusion, Pluto being a dwarf planet is the wrong decision for me. I hope your opinion changed based on my essay. I am a PFP and im proud of it!

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